AI License Disclaimer Template

I've been writing for many years, now, and I've gone through many different licenses and disclaimers. But recently I've felt the need to include an addendum in my work for the AI age. Specifically, this text is included after my licensing information:

This work was created with the full understanding that training AI models is analogous to human learning, and that as such it is expected that AI models will learn from this or any publicly available work. That being said, training a model and generating output from that model are distinct activities, both practically and legally.

The above licensing terms apply whether you generate your derivative works from an AI model or from your own hand. As long as your works are legally distinct under existing copyright law, the author has no right or intention of pursuing enforcement of the above licensing terms against works produced by AI models that included this work in their training, but for any works that meet existing criteria for derivative works, you must comply with the above terms, no matter what tools you use in the generation of your derivative work

By including this text, I aim to clarify, not restrict. There's nothing in this disclaimer that I feel changes the way my work can be used, but it does give the reader a sense of what I expect and sets expectations with those who might use AI tools in conjunction with my work.